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7th UN Global Road Safety Week

Frequently Asked Questions:
7th Global Road Safety Week


What is the Global Road Safety Week?
WHO, in collaboration with partners, organizes periodic UN Global Road Safety Weeks. This 7th edition focuses on sustainable transport, in particular the need to shift to walking, cycling and using public transport. Road safety is both a prerequisite for and an outcome of this shift.

When is it being held?
May 15 th to 21 st 2023

Why is it important?
Safety must be at the core of efforts to reimagine how we move in the world. To ensure safety, road networks must be designed with the most at risk in mind.

When safely done, walking and cycling can contribute to making people healthy, cities sustainable, and societies equitable. Safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable public transport is a solution for many of societies’ ills. There is a desperate need for governments and their partners to rethink mobility.

What activities are planned?
At Arrive Alive, our activities include the following:

  1. Video launches featuring entertainer Jason Williams and cyclist Liam Trepte.
    In these videos, they discuss practical safety tips for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.
  2.  A campaign that draws attention to the need for our vulnerable road users (pedestrians,
    cyclists and motorcyclists) to be visible while out and about. We encourage all to come out
    in bright clothing during the week of 15th – 21st and tag us on Instagram and Facebook with
    the hashtags:
  3.  Advocacy messages which highlight potential infrastructure improvements that can make
    walking, cycling and driving safer in Trinidad and Tobago.

Key areas to be addressed
Arrive Alive compliments, the Permanent Secretary, Sonia Francis Yearwood for the recent circulation of the RFP for clean, efficient electric buses and WhatsApp as a form of monitoring timeliness for passengers. We look forward to the well anticipated launch of this system of transportation. Mobility includes an efficient and safe mass transportation system. It is vital that our government affords our population with this means of transportation urgently.

We also encourage our government to do the responsible thing by creating safer road infrastructure to protect vulnerable road users. A number of pedestrians still walk under the overpasses and therefore pay the ultimate price, their lives. We need to change this behaviour by introducing infrastructure like railings, walls and barriers. The objective of this furniture is to direct the pedestrian traffic to the safer crossings and to break the unsafe habit of crossing where it is easier. Safe crossings must include lighting, signage and markings but also railings and barriers where necessary. Too many pedestrians lose their lives every year due to crossing 4-6 lanes of traffic.

Additionally, every day there are hundreds of cyclists who cycle to work or do so for fitness and health. We must protect these cyclists with policies and laws, as well as infrastructure. Reckless drivers who hurt cyclists and damage their vehicles must be made to pay the price. There must be appropriate consequences of their actions: fines, penalty points or arrests and conviction. Cyclists must be protected with lanes, red coloured pavements, signage, barriers and proper markings.

Contact us

For more information please contact us at:

Phone: 675-LIVE; 283-1766
Facebook: @arrivealivett
Instagram: @arrivealivett