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Andre Chandler-Rivas

Posted on: November 23rd, 2020

Andre Chandler-Rivas, died 2017-03-31

I am Sharon Granado. My husband was Andre Chandler-Rivas. He died on 31st March 2017. A favorite memory I have of him is when he first found out that I was pregnant. He went to the nearest bar where his friends were liming and he grabbed two of them. He began to waltz in the middle of the street and his friends were like, “why are we dancing?” He replied, “I am going to be a daddy”. Arrive Alive has really impacted my family since his passing by helping to bring awareness of being road safe and the importance of safe driving. I’ve been able to bring Arrive Alive to schools – to my children’s schools and to other families. They have assisted us in giving back to the community through education to prevent other families from losing their loved ones.
