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Keron Antoine

Posted on: November 23rd, 2020

Keron Antoine, died 2019-01-12, 34 years old

I am Bellamine Antoine and I lost my son Keron Antoine on the 12th of January 2019 in a vehicular accident. Keron was the second of three children and was always the life wire in the family. Keron would be in everything and anything and anything to which he put his mind; he would give it 100 percent. Keron left three children behind whom he loved passionately.

I never heard about Arrive Alive until the accident. I saw the stuff they did on social media, but I never really interacted with anybody in the organisation. When Keron passed, the folks at Arrive Alive reached out to my family and I in such a way that it was overwhelming. We saw people whom we didn’t know and whom we never met come into our lives at such a time and displayed so much caring. They counselled us at times and Christine would call just to make sure that I was doing okay and that the other members of the family were all right. One thing I need to say ….. we tend to think that we are superhumans and that we can do all the things but when we are tired, it’s no time to drive. Driving tired is like driving under the influence. It can be very dangerous to one’s health and one’s life.

DOB – Keron Antoine – 23 Dec 1984
